Guinevere Eveleigh Poems

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A Weed And The Roses

Have you ever seen a weed amongst the roses?
Striving and struggling to block out the sun from their precious petals
It is a pitiful sight of desperation of not greed or vanity
But seeking to be loved and admired by many

The Chant Of The Evil Queen

Bring her heart
In a box
Bring it for me to eat
Bring the heart

A Short Little Poem About The Robin

Robin, robin with your chest so red
How do you keep the color shade so young and fresh
Do you crush berries into your plumage?
Or make a dye from the petals of rose and poppies and tulips

How Come My Heart Breaks

How come my heart breaks
every time i hear your name?
How come i go mad
every time i feel your presence?

We Meet Again In Heaven

We will meet in heaven
When I have slipped away
We will embrace
At the golden gates

An Ocean Calm

Waters once so brutal
Now a soothing blanket of calm
Ripples cease existence
No breeze lifts up afar

A First Aid Kit For A Broken Heart

How do you fix a broken heart?
With string or tape
Or glue and cellophane
Do you wrap it in bubble paper?

Safe Drive, Stay Alive

Is it the roads we will meet our deaths?
It is what the teachers exhort us of at school
Men in neon uniforms come and warn us of the dangers
That teenage adrenalin can do

Just A Girl

I’m not that girl

I Think The Sun Shines Because...................

I think
The only reason
Why the sun
ever shines

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