Harry Paulus

Harry Paulus Poems

As the blood falls from my wrists
I remember
All the things that I've done.


As I look to the sky
Tears start brimming in my eyes
Thinking of the past
Thinking of what I've done.

The Best Poem Of Harry Paulus

Fall To Darkness

As the blood falls from my wrists
I remember
All the things that I've done.

All my memories are shown
from birth till now
Even those that were long suppressed.

What I see is my world burning
And crumbling to the ground
Fading before my very eyes.

My actions have forced
Those close to me away
I didn't even have the chance to say
'I'm sorry.'

The feeling of being alone
And knowing that no one
Gives a damn about you.

Under the starry heavens
I wonder why
We haven't fallen.

In the end
Darkness will consume all
None shall escape this fate.

As the blood drips from my wrists
I close my eyes
And breathe my last breath.

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