Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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Isolation And Dark

I prefer isolation and dark,
No disturbance from dog’s bark,
Easy escape from assassin’s mark,
No problem for vehicle’s park,

Never Be Afraid

Never be afraid of any one,
'He' is there for everyone,
Never HE lets you to sleep,
empty stomach gone so deep,

Heed To An Advice

Never turn blind to advice,
Not because you are novice,
But all the need doesn‘t suffice,
So no tag or free without price,

Set To Sail

I was all set to move and sail
Fearing it may be stalled and sometime fail
Ideas rush to mind and create tension
Nothing is impossible but still big question

Dark Prepresents Bad

Darkness is compared to blindness
Pessimism is termed as darkness
Permanent blockade of mind is considered as dark zone
Anything which h is not subject to change will prove prone

Smoking Is Injurious

Cigar packets display the warning
“Smoking is injurious to health”
Multinational companies increase their earnings
We loose our body and wealth

Man Proposed

Men propose but….

Man proposed but God disposed
Till you betray the trust reposed

Herculean Task

Lately world leaders have consented to some session
May be Herculean task but agreed to reduce tension
Hunger, death and starvation looming over horizon
Atmosphere is also not favourable with depletion of ozone’s

Where Were You

Where you when light were went off?
I was frightened and cried for wolf
Wife whispered in ears few lines of song
I couldn't think what actually went wrong

Premature Baby Killings

I want to take birth,
Humble wish to come on earth
See for self and breathe fresh air,
Is it not right for baby girl chance fair?

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