Smoking Is Injurious Poem by Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Smoking Is Injurious

Rating: 5.0

Cigar packets display the warning
“Smoking is injurious to health”
Multinational companies increase their earnings
We loose our body and wealth

All smokes inhaled in the lungs
Life and death always hangs
How much damage it causes?
Health danger definitely it pauses

As cigar turns into ashes
Life is also turned into ashes
No amount medicines may wash
Nothing will help either money or cash

Thousands of deaths every year
Advice to stop may fall on deaf ear
We may hate to heed or hear
Later on all brunt we may bear

Even chewing tobacco leaves
Harms more and endanger lives
We hear but not land ears or believe
Ends it with grave damage then relieve

Limit it to self for occasional use
Excessive use amounts to misuse
Harms may be more than the advantage
Youth may be on wane and early old age

It is not piece of advice
Happiness key and simple device
Use it to safe and simple way
Life may be joyful and have your sway

Chand Shikari 21 August 2009

poses grave danger/////10

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Kamlesh Ambalal 20 August 2009

many are dying of mouth cancer....10

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Durga Sethani 21 August 2009

it is takingheavy toll evry year....10

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Ritul Soni 21 August 2009

it is injurious to healthas well...10

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G Kandoi 21 August 2009

in fact it is injurious...10

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Severina Dsouza 17 October 2009

As cigar turns into ashes Life is also turned into ashes

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Sergio Bruno 26 September 2009

Even chewing tobacco leaves Harms more and endanger lives We hear but not land ears or believe Ends it with grave damage then relieve

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Pradip Pillai 21 August 2009

it is dangerous to us....10

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Bhanubhai Montu Shah 21 August 2009

smoking should be prohibited....10

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it is posing health hazard.....10

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Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal

Vadali, Dist: - sabarkantha, Gujarat, India
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