Mehta Hasmukh Amathaal Poems

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सन्मान सपने सजाने में है

अरे गम क्यों करते हो मियाजी
क्या आपने खोया और क्या पायाजी?

પ્રભુદર્શન કરવા કાજે
તારે આંગણીએ આવ્યો છું
મધુરાદર્શન કરવા સાટે
તારે દ્વારે આવ્યો છું। પ્રભુદર્શન કરવા કાજે

Honest Broker

“Do not fish in troubled waters” legend says
Works not as wreckers or trouble shooters
It shall help you in no way
It may drift you away

I Feel Sad

Why do I feel bad about fanatics?
What is simple thought or any basic?
What can be termed as logic?
I have no answer for it and feel so sick

A Day To Start

What a day to start with in cold!
Brisk morning walk with new day in world
Life means something enterprising and new
Enough time at disposal to think and review

I Shall Go By

Mind disturbs
Palm rubs
No solution
With weak resolution

First Entry

My first entry on net was so dramatic
She was first to be seen as very much dynamic
Knowledgeable and straight forward in dealing
Sympathetic to hearing and almost willing

Ric S. Bastasa

I looked back at graph
And could not stop laugh
It had rising waves of success
I had dreamed once to have an access

Before It Is Too Late

I stopped thinking
And blinking too
Why to think over?
When we have absolutely no cover

Ego No More

Ego has to go for sure
From mind and nature
It harms more
Should be shunned therefore

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