Hayaan Ballan

Hayaan Ballan Poems

real story: There was once a really good friend of mine who told me
that he want to kill himself. He told me that life is
too hard and diffecult for him. He say if I die,
every problem would gone, and everyone would be happy.

Sometime, somewhere a guy named Roy asked me a really good question

'Hi profesional, how can I be succesful? do you have a suggestion? '

The Best Poem Of Hayaan Ballan

No Way Suïcide?

real story: There was once a really good friend of mine who told me
that he want to kill himself. He told me that life is
too hard and diffecult for him. He say if I die,
every problem would gone, and everyone would be happy.
Because i have no friends, my school career is down and
im so fat, im not happy anymore in this life.

So i told this to my best friend:

Life, life is a oppertunity in a period to enjoy the surrounding

to hear the beautiful sounding

to meet our kind of organism, the humanity.

to discover our planet and ourselves.

that is the feeling of living.

why would you keep thinking everything is unforgiving?

If u just give up now, you wouldn't enjoy the amazing part of living.

Friends will pass and come, maybe now it is not you time

but your time will be there. killing yourself is like a crime.

What would all your relatives think? they will miss you man.

Everyone in the world have that time, that they not happy with

But making an end of life means you don't know the good part of life.


I dont want you to go, man. Please stay. dont give up!

Think of this, there are always people who have it worse than you.

Their life is more skew.

But you have all those years to live. change your mind today

And i know for sure, you will arrive at the amazing life 'bay.'

Take care of yourself!

because that use the knife is not a law in the life.

Hayaan Ballan Comments

Sylvia Frances Chan 03 September 2024

Excellent poem, but so very pity that in some lines, there are few GRAMMAR mistakes. Mind you, this is a poemsite for poems with the english language. It reads better with the correct grammar. BEFORE submitting, check first, please. Thank you.

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