Henrik Berg Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sonnet 1 - Why Can'T My Eyes

Why can't my eyes from your cheer image sway
When the sight brings me naught but hollow pain.
For, to see is to dream we were again,
And make reason, logic, like leaves decay.

Summer Break (First Day)

It's first day of summers break,
Not decided what to make
Of all this time.
Just sit n' rhyme?


Lying in the grass at the end of a dream,
Resting my weary head on your knee.
The warmth from the summers sunny gleam,
Can not compare with the heat, in me.

I Dreamt A Kiss

I dreamt a kiss
One that never was
I dreamt a kiss
One that will never be

The Anchor

I dont'tknow why I miss Her
-so much. so sudden.
Maybe she was my anchor,
when I needed to set sail

What I Like

I don't know what we're doing,
But I still feel your warmth on my pillow.
-And I like that

Drömmar, Vackra Drömmar

Jag har drömmar
Vackra drömma
Vissa stora
Några små

A Classic Tale

At that moment her heart begins to flutter
And hear breath is quite ecstatic.
At first sight she knew what she wanted.
At first sight, like the ground swept off under her feet.

My Way With Conflict

My view is the sky with the setting sun.
My mind is a very conflicted one.
My words are my way to describe what I see
And can never explain your importance to me.

Letter To Valentine

To you who couldn't take a no
I ask, no more fighting.
To you who needed me to stand,
I will offer you a hand.

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