Henry Livingston Poems

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To My Little Niece Anne Duyckinck

To his charming black-eyed niece
Uncle Harry wishest peace!
Wishes roses over strow'd
O'er her sublunary road!

To The Memory Of Sarah Livingston

BEYOND where billows roll or tempests vex
Is gone the gentlest of the gentle sex!
---Her brittle bark on life's wild ocean tost
Unequal to the conflict soon was lost.

To My Little Niece Sally Livingston

To my little niece Sally Livingston, on the death of a little serenading wren she admired.

Hasty pilgrim stop thy pace

1819 New Year's Carrier's Address

Believe me, dear patrons, I have wand'red too far,
Without any compass, or planet or star;
My dear native village I scarcely can see
So I'll hie to my hive like the tempest-tost bee.

The Dance

Take the name of the swain, a forlorn witless elf
Who was chang'd to a flow'r for admiring himself.
A part deem'd essential in each lady's dress
With what maidens cry when they wish to say yes.

Acrostic -- Eliza Hughes

E v'ry grace in her combine,
L ove and truth and friendship join,
I n one source without reserve,
Z ealous all her friends to serve,


Of RISPAH. (who had been the concubine of King SAUL) when DAVID hanged her children, because their father had done amiss.

From morn to eve from eve to rosy morn,


With the ladies' permission, most humbly I'd mention
How much we're obliged by all their attention;
We sink with the weight of the huge obligation
Too long & too broad to admit compensation.

The Procession

The legislators pass along
A solemn, self-important throng!
Just raised from the common mass,
They feel themselves another class.

The Vine & Oak, A Fable

A vine from noblest lineage sprung
And with the choicest clusters hung,
In purple rob'd, reclining lay,
And catch'd the noontide's fervid ray;

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