Holly Somer Poems

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From Guys To Girls

♠ When you hear that someone died girls shed a tear of their eye, Then guys will keep the straightest face and look like their not in the same place.
Chorous: ' From girls to guys we all know girls will let their feelings show, But with guys you never know'. Girls you know their whole dramatic history, Then guys it; s one big mystery.
As soon as a girl and a guy date everything changes, They switch places and make rearanges. The guy learns to exspress through his heart, And then girls learn how some guys tend to go on a fast start.
'Repeat Chorous'

Fish Market

Working there isn't the best
Although if you work there you could find a new taste
for fish and it's tarter sauce paste
But too many hours could make you sick

Memories Forever Gone

We were friends for years
we shared secrets and opinions on life
But we don't talk anymore
Thats all in the past


She fell for his blue eyes and his crazy spiked up hair
But when their eyes met in the hallway
He gave her a mean glare
Though she can't stop thinking of what it would be like to be his

No One

No one can hold me down
No one will make me see
No one knows myself more then me
You can think that

Get By

Waking up in the morning
After sleeping through my alarm
Getting looks from teachers
Shrug your shoulders and smile


As the clouds begin to come in
The rain falls to the ground
Silence begins to come too
Don't you done turn around

I'M Done With You

Now that you see me
I'm not looking your way
Even though I felt lust for you
I don't feel that today

Express Yourself

Show them you've grown
Teach them something you've learned over the years
How your not a chicken and can face your fears
Take a walk on the oppisite end

Prove It

Sometime we will prove to the world what we were men't to do
How much we can do by comparing into life
Using situations that lead to guilt and grief
Bringing anger to those acused of being a thief

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