Howard Long

Howard Long Poems

A tearing air fills the room
the halls are swept with leaves.
The door awaits its final doom,
it fears its love-filled eaves.

Lost horns wake the night
a tune not felt in ages.
Searching for man's might,
a tool with rusted edges.

A tall ship cut the waves
deck upon deck with iron,
the hilly sea a wasteland
no destination desired.

Now the the feet scamper,
the nights are dreamless toil,
the sun runs past to embers
and papers wall the rooms.

The blade was snapped and broken,
the sword was cracked and bent.
The tool of man's resurgence,
is now asunder rent.

On that night the wind blew sharp- the cold, a crisp cut sheet.
While waves played toss with oaken boats and ships of ice.
Musketted men fell row on row in rickety boats of wood.
While one, above all, stood as of iron, the wind a passing fancy.

The Best Poem Of Howard Long

Children's Home

A tearing air fills the room
the halls are swept with leaves.
The door awaits its final doom,
it fears its love-filled eaves.
It fears it may ne'er open again
iron will bar the oak.
The master is now broken
the clock has sung it's stroke.

The house was once a theater
and plays were nightly made,
of knightly men on horses
of the fairest maid.
Laughter ruled the halls
and trembled through the boards.
But now the halls are barren
only songs of oaken boards
now fill the time forlorn.

Howard Long Comments

Frank Adie 22 January 2019

You are quite an amazing poet. You would have done humanity a great disservice if you didn't exploit this talent of yours. Trust me, you are called to write poems and your are a gifted writer. Please do write more.

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