Husna Chikwela

Husna Chikwela Poems

Wants us to be attention,
In older to build the nation.

I don't like this chance,
They play with no balance.

Where can I be? It am only a roundabout,
Whom can I be? I am only a roundabout,
How can I be? I am only a roundabout.

People get birth everyday,
Plays their parts every way,
Pretends in what they say,
Parents God will pay,

Our new president Churse,
You another chance,
Will never come twice.

When you fail in something which you learn,
When people enjoy you to be their furn,
When you lost your lovely father John.

Strong exercise of your brain take,
The stronger money you can make,
Weak exercise cause money to shake.

I could not think so,
If Covid I could know.

In how you have expand now,

At the first day,
You stand and say,
Wanting to be way,
To do not delay.

Welcome home Ilakunda, Forget about paper,
You will wonder, with your slipper,
Drink a milinda, to become supper.

At now in the world,
We have got cold,
Gift given with our God.


When the sky is grey, its going to rain,
When the sky is bright, everything is going alright,
When the sky set, its going to be night.

It was nineteen ninety nine,
Month of October in fourteen,
President Nyerere was not fine,
Tanzania he left itself alone.

I was a little girl,
With my relative little girl,
Walking with a male.

Which poem have you like?
Comment it and like,
You can share my write.

MY fellow,
You can show.


I like a cup of tea,
Wherever I will be,
Day I can't see,
If its not within me.

Hellow Husna my dear friend,
Foolish stage do you understand?
Please I need your hand.


Which secret can you tell?
Which words can you spell?
Which thing can you still?
Which thing can you sell?

Month being counted like other children,
Date of cellebration of all children,
Hi Date of all children,
We have not leave you alone.

Husna Chikwela Biography

HISTORY OF MY POEMS. In 2016 I was In form one. At that time I was having an idea of being an outhor but I could not have an action on it. I have saw one Poem of my fellow student and like the contest. I want to take a pen but at the last I could not and ignore. When studying I was not like only swahili subject, this is because was giving as alot of test during the night prepo. Among of his all test, individual and group assigment he removed only three questions to write a Poem. In a group assigment when writing my contest it was very poor no any good rhyme of a tradtion Poem, my fellow student when met with them only to words were taken on my poem and other were taken according to their poems how they wrote. In individual assigment fist assigment was very poor I got 1 out of 5, in test I could not even attempt that question. After a holiday I got a magazine of swahili poems, at now I was ready have accept my teacher question, he gave as only one question of individual assigment. It was done after I have ready met a magazine and write some few poems which were there. In test I tried to write a good rhyme of tradtion poem in swahili subject. In all those days it was my fist poem to write my own poem, in slowly I find myself to be a writer of only three poems in that place. But before shifting a school I met a boy who was good artist in drawing, he was a new student of pre-form1. In new school I was opless again. I was trying to write in English poems. I could not know how at that time I was wanting to write English poems. Only four I wrote and I could not write again until I have command myself, because somtimes I was having a mood to write something but I could not know what to write. After a year a new student came in our school, she was a form 1 student and I was form3 student. She was very good artist of writing poems and story, I know her after she have gave me a story with one chapter. I know I was not accited because she use my class exercisebook which I was using it in one of the subjects, and I have found it for two weeks without hope. But only a story which was in that exercisebook removed my all ungry to her. Being with her I become more interested in writing. I went and found my exercisebook wherever was reading and even writing some of ideas which I have. I start to write some of ideas of what was our teacher tought as about government how it was according to different poems which were learning through them. This cause me to write alot of English poems than kiswahili. Which cause me latter on to forget writing swahili tradtion poems and being affected. In 2019 after met again a swahili magazine poet, I tried and write swahili poems. I have only call two outhor after I have taken there numbers down after the end of their poems. The fist outhor I could not spoke with him much, only few days I deleted his numbers. Second person upto now I have his numbers upto now. When sendind my swahili poems to him, somtimes he was publishing them in magazine and read them every sunday. But the problem to this outhor he could not tell myear mistakes in the poem, I came to know after I have join one group of @kiswahilinaUshairi after I have posted one of my swahili poem which was talking about my grandfather. One outhor of that group when he saw that poem, he wrote a comment which he could not use any hyding manner of using a language. When I came and see, I only deleted the poem and written one poem talking about them in 2022 called MIE WENU MWANAFUNZI. In all those remain year before 2022 I was having an idea of having an account, I could not know where to start. I search in google several time, but I could not understans any and see as no help inside. Due to that I find other idea of only having my perfflet or book. This idea it was at the fist outhor who I have deleted his numbers. Problem came how can I got those money? He told me to have my 100 coppy of perflett. Write he have told me that myself I broke my hurt, this is because at home they could not accept my writtings and when he was speaking he told me in that I should have got a support to my parents and ask them. I could not want again to make that again and find how to got that money and end only to have three of them. In those all were not in good arrangement, this is because a person who I was removing my works she was not even want to be adviced. I divide all those three to my fellow students and another to my cousin when he came and visit me at the collage. I shifted the place and went to another stationery, he disgned for me in good try. Problem came in mixing both my English and Swahili poems. In that year still I was having problem of swahili poems and I was not knowing. I came to know after I have met one girl in that stationery and read my poem. She could want to help me but I refused, because at that time I was ready brocken through her although she told me in good way. Latter on, before twenty twenty two I got an account which was, this I got it in the holiday when my fellow outhor who I have left her at school. In 2020 alot of time I was forget in to ask her when she was at holiday. I was remembering after she have returned at school and cause me to be hopeless and suffer myself. In that last year I tell myself when she came back again she must tell me which accounts she use and finally in the end of the year she told me two accounts which are @story publishing.up and I download only and latter I got different apps of publishing my poems like @powerpoetry,, @allpoetry @poetrysoup @miraquill @writerqoutlet And poetizer. All those accounts they have being created with my use name Husna Chikwela. Only my one account of instagram I am known as @chikwela_poets.)

The Best Poem Of Husna Chikwela


Wants us to be attention,
In older to build the nation.

It shows direction,
In older to do correction.

Needs people more than ten,
In older all to learn.

It is your way,
Which you can stay.

Nothing will remain,
It will remove your pain.

It has alot of information,
Which are being hiden.

It has alot of section,
Which I can't mention.

Husna Chikwela Comments


You should not regret... From the scratch it's where we rise and shine like the beautiful Star in the little night... pull up your socks...

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Colin Ian Jeffery 20 December 2021

Dear Husna, fellow poet,

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Husna Chikwela 23 December 2021


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