Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Machine To Mars

Going to Mars has long been mused.
Humans have always had the itch
To explore, and some be enthused
To make a hike to Mars and hitch,

Whale Of A Song

The sound of music whales do make
In underwater unison,
As though intent to undertake
Communication one by one.


Scarlett O'Hara at the end,
When left by Rhett had this to say,
In the novel, 'Gone with the Wind, '
'Tomorrow is another day.'

Fairy Wings

A wingless fairy did learn that
In order to grow wings, she must
Go to a flower habitat,
And wait patiently in true trust

Devil Down For The Two Count

'Devil went down to Georgia' and
With young Johnny did make a bet,
Song sung by Charlie Daniels Band.
Young Johnny fiddled to all get,

Vegan Large - Lincoln Park Zoo

I am a gorilla and do,
Like all gorillas, only eat,
Here at home in Lincoln Park Zoo,
Fresh veggies and fruits and no meat.

The Old One

There came the day the old one fell,
And all around were family,
In time and place where they did dwell,
The old one in fond memory.

Water Table For Two

The two great white herons do spy
The gently flowing river that
Does beckon to them in the sky,
Flowing through forest habitat.

Seeing Is Believing

In the forest I do explore.
I see a tree next to a lake.
I have not climbed this tree before.
Trip up the tree trunk I do make.

Reef Grief

Over long time a coral reef grows,
An animal community,
Shallow enough so sunlight shows,
Oft called rainforests of the sea.

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