Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Spirit Of Mount Vernon

George Washington had great success
As general and President.
And also as whiskey wiz - yes!
A distiller quite prominent,

Regard The Bard

On April 23rd, 'tis said
William Shakespeare was born and died.
Prose and poetry from his head
Was penned and performed far and wide.

White House Menu

That White House chef - I don't trust him.
I heard him tell the President
A recipe that sounded grim,
An Indonesian dish - hint, hint -


The space shuttle, Discovery,
Got shuttled into retirement,
Put out to pasture in D.C.
Museumed so to represent

Day Of Reckoning

The Journal of the A.M.A.
Has done a study on road death,
And does report that on tax day,
More tax filers take their last breath.

Mummy Of John Wilkes Booth

A carnival road show for years.
Money losses, perhps the cause,
The mummy up and disappears.
A private collector, some say,

Sensing Spring

Ah, the true joys of Spring are here,
As all my senses be aware.
The greenie sights are not too clear,
As allergies, my eyeballs bear.

Fat Rat Stat

It is a fact that any biz
That is for profit runs the risk
Of failing - that's the way just tiz.
So though it may seem a tsk tsk,

Call Of The Ball

I knew he had the ball to win,
And of course that ball 'twould be me.
He does the shots, I do the spin,
A winning combination be.

Spring Mountains Pyrg

Spring Mountains Pyrg - I am a snail.
Word is the water I live in
Is being pumped on a vast scale
To Las Vegas, city of sin.

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