Ima Ryma Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Death Penalty Alternative

We debate the death penalty,
Cruel unusual punishment?
Being human, some errors be.
With safeguards, loads of cash spent.

California Chrome

Born under California sun,
With four to race chrome colored feet,
The youth began his love to run
With others, with the aim to beat.

Mental Block Doc

Depressed, I went to see a shrink,
And on his couch I bared my soul.
Could he pull me back from the brink
Of jumping into a black hole.

Shhh Cricket

Mr Cricket for ages sang
A luring South Pacific tune
Aimed at lady cricket shebang
Over Mr. Cricket to swoon.

Fired Up, Eaten Up

A male firefly, just weeks to live,
I focus on seeking Ms Right,
Cuz I got genes I gotta give,
So I go blinking through the night.


N'gombe in Kenya I be
A dairy cow on a small farm.
Farmer Thuo takes care of me.
His care is working like a charm,

Fine Arts Frogs

The Kumbara night frogs do meet
And stand on their hind legs to touch
The site where they wish to complete
Mr. and Mrs. such and such,


An octopus like me has got
Eight arms (not tentacles) , and I
Never do get them in a knot,
And never really wondered why.

On The Ball Of Romance

The boy was at a baseball game.
A girl behind did catch his eye.
A foul ball struck did take its aim.
The boy did catch it on the fly.

Animal Training - Lincoln Park Zoo

It's called seal training that I do.
Ev'ry day of the year it's done,
Right here at the Lincoln Park Zoo,
Serious stuff and not just fun.

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