Ima Ryma Poems

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Hypocritic Oath

My grandson came to visit me,
Had his smart phone out all the time.
Kids - so into technology,
So I complained to him that I'm

Plants By Chance

Both blown through air we two did meet.
As we blew, we did shoot the breeze.
At last we both dropped safe and neat.
Close by in ground we both did ease.


It is quite late in moonlit night.
Outside my window I do stare,
Seeking to be inspired to write.
A spider is resting out there,

This Loving Home

We are a family at home,
A single mom with two offspring.
We spent the whole day on the roam,
Accepting what this day did bring.

Grandpa, I'm Coming

Grandpa, I'm feeling such sorrow.
I just keep on falling apart,
Cannot face one more tomorrow.
Nothing does ease my heavy heart.

This Music Box

Our first anniversary,
We listened to the music of
This music box you gave to me,
'Anniversary Song' of love.

Joey - Lincoln Park Zoo

Time for this joey to peek out
And see what there is worth to see,
And what is all the fuss about -
Those humans trying to see me.

I Sonnet You

My sonnets make reason and rhyme,
Iambic tetrameterly.
Fourteen lines is plenty of time
To make the point to you from me.


Yes, I am a bibliophile.
Books are the true love of my life.
I found this out after a while
Of being married to my wife,

How Not To Play War

Early on into World War I,
1914, a Christmas truce,
The fighting turned to sportful fun,
As games of soccer were let loose.

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