Indigo Wisdom

Indigo Wisdom Poems

Peace and calm enfold me
As I leave city life behindn
The hustle and the bustle
Fade far from my mind

This road it can be lonely
And the dust gets in my eyes
But then that's okay
It gives me a chance to cry

In this wonderful dance called life
At times we get out of step
Faltering uncertainly
Sometimes way beyond our depth

There are two Angels on this earth
Who mean more to me than anyone
These very precious Angels
Are my daughter and my son

What lies beyond the horizon
Over there where I can’t see
I am fearful to move towards it
Thought I feel it beckoning me

We will never truly understand
just what they have been through
those brave men and women
have more than paid their dues

Sometimes I just sit in awe
Of the beauty surrounding me
It seems that Mother Nature
Has excelled from what I see

It's beautiful this land of ours
In so many diverse ways
The stark and arid deserts
Shimmering with heat haze

Busy rushing people
Like ants upon a track
Focused destinations
No time to look back

The harder the search for happiness
The more elusive it appears
For whether we know it or not
It is always near

Indigo Wisdom Biography

I do not write my writes itself through me.)

The Best Poem Of Indigo Wisdom

Beautiful Countryside

Peace and calm enfold me
As I leave city life behindn
The hustle and the bustle
Fade far from my mind

Driving out into the country
I can't help but smile within
Though I know not what awaits me
I am eager to begin

Such beauty all around me
I feel it touch me deep inside
This ever changing landscape
A constant feast for my eyes

How many shades of red
Is it possible to see
As mile after mile
Vibrant earth surrounds me

The wonder of the salt lakes
Which appear when least expected
The ranges all around them
Perfectly reflected

How I love this country side
This land that I call my home
If you feel it as I do
You will never be alone.

Indigo Wisdom 21th March 2012

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