Iviwe ImithandazO

Iviwe ImithandazO Poems

Oh how lOnely the sea must be
That it had to ask for a gentle kiss on my enticing lips
The sea drained of all its fish
All birds that used to hover are nowhere to be found

Would you believe me if I told you love begins with the contacting of your mouth muscles you smile
Everything begins with a smile
Smile then exchanging tens
Exchanging tens then friendship

who would have thought
3 words,8 letters would have turned my world up side down
i'm completely stripped of emotions
numb of feelings

'Grass is greener on the other side'
You told me life would be better now
I just can't see cause I'm so blind
Blinded by everything I did

The Best Poem Of Iviwe ImithandazO


Oh how lOnely the sea must be
That it had to ask for a gentle kiss on my enticing lips
The sea drained of all its fish
All birds that used to hover are nowhere to be found
The was have died out
All that is left is stillness
All life erased...

It had somehow found comfort in me
And I in turn am seeking calmness
It must have read my mind cause it promises to make it all go away
To bring numbness to this depressing feelings that have clouded my heart
To bring closure to this lose that has left me bitter
To bring light to my blinded eyes
To bring peace to my taunting thoughts
How do I resist That....

There is no turning back now as I leave you my legacy: my footprints engraved on the sand
With each step I take, eliminating the distance between me and the sea
My mother's words linger at the back of my mind
'No matter how bitter life might taste oh sweet child SwallOw, chOke if you must but don't ever throw up cause this life is but temporary'.

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