J. L. Wright

J. L. Wright Poems

It wasn't always a bank
It wasn't always beautiful
But before it was
and after it wasn't

J. L. Wright Biography

J. L. Wright was born in Minneapolis, Minnesota and earned a B.S from Bemidji State University and M.Ed. from University of Texas, Arlington. Recent publications include her second book, Homeless Joy: an expose in poetry and prose which is a follow up to Unadoptable Joy: A memoir in poetry and prose. She is also a regular on Heal(er) .com. GNU Journal, Whatcom Watch, Solstice Magazine, and Peace Poets Anthology and other anthologies have celebrated some of her individual poems.)

The Best Poem Of J. L. Wright

Far Go Well

It wasn't always a bank
It wasn't always beautiful
But before it was
and after it wasn't
It was a place to stay

A place out of the chill of fall
Before the winter rains
across from HEB
where a rack of ribs wore a parka
As de cabasa stuck it's tongue out at me
and dinner was what I could afford
Not what I could steal

In this building now a bank
once a house
then a boarded up hell hole
filled with fear and broken glass
How did I sleep? I ask the rhetorical question

I dressed, went to work, and found
someplace else for us to go
not as dry
not as safe
not a house or a bank
but more mine

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