Jacqueline Trevejo Rubio

Jacqueline Trevejo Rubio Poems

The beauty
of the snows subtlety
The way they drift,
quite delicately


She, is the most beautiful creature I have ever seen
She, is like a dream
Her lips are subtle like the petals of the reddest roses
Her eyes are round and wide, she is awake, she is alive

My heart doesn't belong to me
My heart belongs to another
Without them knowing
That my heart lies

I don't know what to write,
My discontent about life

The Best Poem Of Jacqueline Trevejo Rubio


The beauty
of the snows subtlety
The way they drift,
quite delicately

As if each flake
was specifically designed, by an artist
of a kind
It seems quite fascinating
How only for a short amount of time
They tend to fall
So suddenly,
From the evening sky

Some people prefer philosophy
because its more
of a wondrous curiosity
then the falling of the snow
even though,
Its rather quite cold
don't you just admire

Its splendour

Isn't nature spectacular
Isn't nature a show
the emotion it brings to ones heart
reflects the purity
of ones soul
Beauty and subtlety
is the truest virtue

within us all.

Jacqueline Trevejo Rubio Comments

Tim Whiteside 15 May 2018

Jackie, they're both amazing poems, you're such a special person and you have so much ability! I spotted a typo in the second one splendour it reads then the falling of the snow and I think you meant than the falling of the snow. Both brilliant, good on you!

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