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My Family History

The Poet will publish my poem, "My Mother's History" in an upcoming anthology on Cultural Identity. My ethnic background is a bit complicated. Depending upon how I look at it, I have 18 to 20 nationalities in my tangled family DNA.

From my father's side of the family, I inherited a German family name, Scandinavian blue eyes, with ancestors coming from France, Germany, Finland, Denmark, Lapland, Norway, Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Ukraine, and somehow the Basque region. I also have some Jewish ancestry and a trace of Mongolian ancestry as do most people of Eastern European background. And my DNA test also claims that there is some Italian ancestry somewhere and perhaps Spanish ancestry.
From my mother's side of the family, I am part Scot, part Irish, part French, part Dutch, part Cherokee and part Nigerian. Since she was part of the lost tribe of the Cherokee Indians, her story is particularly complicated as her ancestors fled before being enrolled in a tribe and lived in the Ozarks intermarrying with other Indian tribes, Scot and Irish settlers, and escaped slaves. In any event, there are so few people in her ethnic group -perhaps 25,000 that they don't show in DNA tests. Since her parents show Cherokee that means I am anywhere from 1/8 to 1/8 Cherokee. I met my uncle once and he looked Cherokee to me.

April 1 Eastern Bunny Warning

March 31 warm Up

Easter Bunny Warning

April 1 Sarangpabo Love Fool

Sarangpabo - Korean Love Fool for You

When I first saw you
In my dreams.

April 2 Springtime Flowers Blooming Love

Springtime Flowers Blooming Love

Springtime in Korea

April 3 Look At The Sky!

One day the world woke up
To the impending end
As a new asteroid.

April 4 Ending Daily Shaving In Retirement

When Sam Adams
retired from
the U.S. Department of State,


April 5—Get a sport into a poem!

Make Baseball Great Again!

April 6—beverage, Libation, Liquid… daily Ritual Drinks

April 6—Beverage, libation, liquid…

Daily Ritual Drinks

April 7—figure Something Out In A Poem why Trump?

For the last six years
I have been trying
To figure out

Economic Perception Delay april 8—delay (Any Kind)

economic perception delay

April 8—Delay (any kind)

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