James McLain Poems

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Sarah's Poetic Journey

Sarah Teasdale, a poet of grace,
Her words like whispers filled the space.
Born in the year of eighteen eighty-four,
Her life's tale, forever to explore.

Haiku Dreams Shattered

Fading dreams once bright,
Hope's ember lost to shadows,
Disappointment sighs.

Haiku Innocence

Innocence's bloom,
Pure hearts dance, untouched by time,
Wisdom yet to come.

The Inhumane Tragedy Of Slavery

In the dark holds of ships cast by shackles' cruel embrace,
Lies the tale of inhumanity's grim trace.
From yonder shores, stolen lives in chains,
Where anguish reigns, a heart's bitter pains.

Her Beautiful Lip's

Her lips, a canvas of beauty, divine,
A tantalizing allure, a delicate line.
A crimson curve that steals every glance,
With each subtle smile, they mesmerize, entrance.

What Is Normal

In a world where norms reside,
Where rules and patterns coincide,
What is normal, pray, define,
For this tangled web, this grand design?

Your Stomach

In whispers of silk, your body unfurls,
A canvas of grace, where desire swirls.
Amongst her treasures, a sight to behold,
Your beautiful stomach, a tale untold.

Your Legs

In graceful stride, her lovely legs appear,
A mesmerizing sight, both strong and sheer.
Elegantly poised, like slender pillars of grace,
They dance with life, each step a gentle embrace.

Your Beautiful Eyes

In your beautiful eyes, stars gently reside,
Sparkling embers of dreams, undenied.
Deep as oceans, with a celestial hue,
They hold mysteries, captivating and true.

Encountering A Psychopath

In shadows deep where darkness dwells,
A chilling tale of evil swells,
Psychopaths roam, devoid of grace,
Their twisted hearts, a haunting space.

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