Encountering A Psychopath Poem by James McLain

James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By

Encountering A Psychopath

Rating: 5.0

In shadows deep where darkness dwells,
A chilling tale of evil swells,
Psychopaths roam, devoid of grace,
Their twisted hearts, a haunting space.

With charm and guile, they weave their lies,
Manipulating with cold, dead eyes,
Their conscience lost, their souls a void,
A mask they wear, to deceive, destroy.

They roam among us, unseen, disguised,
A veil of normalcy, their greatest prize,
Behind the facade, a wicked scheme,
To exploit, control, and shatter dreams.

No empathy resides within their core,
No remorse for the pain they pour,
They dance with malice, devoid of care,
Feasting on the innocent, unaware.

In the depths of their twisted minds,
They plot and scheme, their wicked finds,
Calculating steps, devoid of remorse,
Leaving scars and suffering in their course.

Beneath their polished, charming veneer,
Lies a darkness that instills pure fear,
They hunt for power, dominance, control,
Feeding on the vulnerability of a wounded soul.

But let us not succumb to their dark spell,
For goodness shines where shadows dwell,
Together we stand, united, strong,
In the face of evil, we'll right the wrong.

For love and empathy shall prevail,
Against the psychopaths' treacherous tale,
We'll shine a light, expose their lies,
And in unity, evil's grip will demise.

So let us be vigilant, steadfast, and brave,
Against the psychopaths, we shall not cave,
In compassion's embrace, we find our might,
To combat darkness and restore the light.

Dr Dillip K Swain 17 May 2023

So let us be vigilant, steadfast, and brave, Against the psychopaths, we shall not cave....thougthtfully put. Top score!

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James McLain

James McLain

From Tampa Florida And Still Living Near By
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