James McLain Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Why Do Some People Still Believe In God

Contrary to the dozens of prophets of the past through precognition
which then was rare
there are now thousands of them born
every year

Do Not Pretend To Know Me

I have not died
so many times so that you can live
living your life you living mine just so
that you can again reject me.

Darkness At The Edge Of The Alligator Farm

Looking for a short cut
in cutting the costs of feeding
these leviathans.
Butchered and farmed out to

Pull A String And Jane

Each woman doesn't realize that
Her husband could die any day, having
Left no life insurance policy.

.. A Few Of My Past Reincarnations

My earliest one was as an Egyptian slave,
The last I remember was a priest on the field
During the American civil war.

She's Different It's Complicated

She still is she always was,
She's lived a life the best she could.
Earlier today when she was here,
She gave up nothing is that absolutely

After We Die

After we die,
We all go back to that place where
We were before we were born.
You can ask Donald Trump and you would

Can I Love With Autism

Not respond to their name (the child may appear deaf)
Not point at objects or things of interest, or demonstrate interest
Not play "pretend" games
Avoid eye contact

He Came In The Night While She Slept

Smokey and noisy the bar just turning
Twenty one a virgin still.
The thick atmosphere was as her moist
And wet.

Selling Out

How long must one live a life unlived
Before one must sell out to live?
Can one live to only live without the
Means to live?

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