James Munro

James Munro Poems

Anna gave me a painting of two trees
(thinking, I guessed, of Kahlil Gibran's image
of marriage, two trees growing together,
swaying and blowing together in the wind,

We were born the same year,
John Lennon and I.

He drank his beer

Eliot preferred the world of
Virgil, I the world of Homer,
which is why he settled in London,
why I chose to be a roamer:

I amble down
into the bay
before the heat
before the day

Sometimes I sit here ithyphallic,
god of the beasts.
The flies attend
and tortoises when in the mood

The Best Poem Of James Munro

Two Trees

Anna gave me a painting of two trees
(thinking, I guessed, of Kahlil Gibran's image
of marriage, two trees growing together,
swaying and blowing together in the wind,
two trees, not one tree - she said Yes)
two trees in a sloping meadow, the side of a hill,
the grass all around them yellow and parched.

Late summer, then. The year going by. The years.
One day they'll chop those two trees down.
First one, I wonder, then the other? Or both
on the same day? I know that is not what he meant
but I would not like to be the one tree
left in that painting, the one tree left
sighing and trembling, leafless, in the winter wind.

Nor - even more so - would I wish that for her.
When the day comes - for this is no Grecian urn -
let it be two trees that are cut
down, cut up, whatever, two trees
still, though trees no more. A pile of logs
in the middle of a field. And atop the logs
two birds - a pair of jackdaws - rubbing noses.

James Munro Comments

Henry wood 25 May 2020

I think your poems are hard and exiting,,

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