James Niles

James Niles Poems

There he was in what passed for dirty clothes,
the lamplighter poem blasting from a mouth full
of rock candy mountains He carried the lantern alight
in the light of day for journeys so long that they were

I am afraid of the ocean, not the
seashore with its magic gifts of shells
and sand-dollars or the bars and
nearness of sliding bodies on poles

Dear Annie,

Avedon, you look so much like him nowadays. I loved sharing the cherry phosphate at the soda fountain below Union Square. The paparazzi were so so very pretty, in their Calvin Kleins and Madoff muscle shirts.

T’was a small eatery, walls nautically enriched
with charts, a polished brass bell, at the kitchen port,
so bright., burnished to a gloss gong gleaming, glittering
with a mist of virgin olive oil and the

Not here no more gone
Laying down in fragrant hay
Kissing pretty girls

James Niles Biography

Artist/Photographer/Violinist. In January 2004, Osteomyelitis devoured my spine, thus ending my music career. Music and art were always my way of expressing my joy and wonder at the world. Writing was my obsessive attempt to make sense of it. Please view my website www.jamesnilesdesign.net. Some of my art and photography resides there. Find some of my poetry by visiting the Site Map page of the aforementioned website. The poetry link there works, or at least did.)

The Best Poem Of James Niles

Diogenes Enlists In The Revolutionary Army Of The Baby Jesus

There he was in what passed for dirty clothes,
the lamplighter poem blasting from a mouth full
of rock candy mountains He carried the lantern alight
in the light of day for journeys so long that they were
measured by years light as the dawn

Tramping treading traipsing to and fro from
one end of the fairy freight train to t’other
dogs had gathered-a cataract of dogs- to match
his own lighted burning being, so light as to be
unbearable in the heat of the sultry Sinbad stroll

A baggy loin cloth biliously bulged, bunched and
burnished in the age of bronze to a caramel with
marshmallow folds Ah a barrel from Daniel for
the night the lamps alight and a game of Solitaire
what, a stiffy–a Solitairy stiffy a woody a stiffy, how nifty

There she was in what passed for a birthday suit
the killing me softly song lilting on the air her tongue
touching tingling tasting an all day all night, Mary Ann
in this heat the dogs were smiling tongues lolling dripping
towards the night alight unbearably bright and oh so Amen

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