Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Heart
The two don't always go together
Neither, necessarily apart

There is beauty in the struggle
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
I didn't see it in myself
But I've seen it in other's eyes

Dear Mother
Special wishs from your son
They say a mother's work is never done
and I can vouch for that

Racer ready and in the gate
seeing your breath
as you breathe deeply and wait
Confirmation on the radio

A single tear
frozen in time
poised to fall
Captured emotion, is all

Sometime I'm quiet
Sometimes I'm bold
Sometimes I feel young
Sometimes I feel old

Love asks for little
Love is always kind
When you're in love your tail wags
Love is loyal

I slept like a baby last night
don't know why
Maybe it was the sakura
the cherry blossoms against the moonlit sky

In the solitude of prayer
Lost in moments in between weep
and sleep

A heart does not understand boudaries
A heart is like a compass
It only knows what it feels
and points that way

Mother's Day is your saddest day
It's your day to wish away and to cry
It hurts so deeply inside
And you try to hide

She loves me so much
I'm warmed by her touch
I'm lured by her blush
My heart begins to rush

Just in case nobody does say
Have a wonderful day

If you're at work

I know a special woman
A wonderful mother to her children
A wonderful friend, I met along life's way
I couldn't imagine life without her now

I walked into the pharmacy
Went to the pharmacist
I said I don't have a prescription Miss
But would you offer some help to me?

Dear God,
Give me the strength
To show compassion and care
To ease the worries of someone

Pull ups
Push ups

JAMES T. ADAIR Biography

The most fragile things end up being the most precious.)

The Best Poem Of JAMES T. ADAIR

A Beautiful Heart

Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Heart
The two don't always go together
Neither, necessarily apart

A beautiful girl
You might come across every day
and you might feel an attraction
We're wired that way

But in time you know
what others eventually learn
It's a beautiful heart
that's better to earn

Because beauty only goes so far
and is skin deep
But a beautiful heart
is forever to keep

And long after beauty has faded
she'll likely remain jaded
Vanity in its place remains
seeking approval and gains

But a beautiful heart
grows in its grace
and gracefulness is its own beauty
and puts a smile on your face

When you see the eyes
and you look deep inside
you can see many things
that some may hide

A beautiful heart
is so hard to find
Treasure above priceless art
Inspire me to be kind

One special girl
will remind you of both
Beauty and a beautiful heart
and you'll gravitate to her from the start

She'll play on your soul
and she'll stay gentle on your mind
and you find yourself dreaming
'I wish somehow she was mine'

But of the two if you could so choose
a bet on which you can never lose
Choose the beautiful heart
Because that heart will melt away your blues

A beautiful heart will increase your joy
and increase your hope
and make you feel like a man
More than just a toy

If you find a girl with a beautiful heart
Give her love from the very start
Treat her kind and with dignity and care
and for you, she'll always be there


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