Beautiful Girl
Beautiful Heart
The two don't always go together
Neither, necessarily apart
There is beauty in the struggle
Don't let anyone tell you otherwise
I didn't see it in myself
But I've seen it in other's eyes
Dear Mother
Special wishs from your son
They say a mother's work is never done
and I can vouch for that
Racer ready and in the gate
seeing your breath
as you breathe deeply and wait
Confirmation on the radio
A single tear
frozen in time
poised to fall
Captured emotion, is all
Sometime I'm quiet
Sometimes I'm bold
Sometimes I feel young
Sometimes I feel old
Love asks for little
Love is always kind
When you're in love your tail wags
Love is loyal
I slept like a baby last night
don't know why
Maybe it was the sakura
the cherry blossoms against the moonlit sky