Janae Kathleen

Janae Kathleen Poems

thoughts stuck in my head
thoughts of you i dread
the pain in my life
it cuts so deep

you wrap me with your secure embrace
it's then, that my heart begins to race
i've never been this close to anyone, or anything
you're always in my thoughts, always in my dreams

The Best Poem Of Janae Kathleen

Dearest Father

thoughts stuck in my head
thoughts of you i dread
the pain in my life
it cuts so deep
i fall asleep, dreams of you
my body seeks

empty little girl
without her father
maybe I don't tell you because
I'm used to the pain
maybe that is the reason for this refrain

tired of holding in my tears
every day I think of you
and how you hurt me over the years
as I think, I tilt my head back
wait till it hits the wall and the wall cracks

why can't I tell you
the pain you unbearingly put inside me
the tears I hold until im alone
alone in my room
and I break down and cry

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