Jason Jackson

Jason Jackson Poems

On the footpath lies a broken umbrella,
just imagine the number of times it's been used,
once loved, dependable, fashionable & fit,
now lies disgraced, amongst the cigarette butts and dog shit

I’ve just left my house & you hate me,
I’ve just opened the car door & I can feel your hatred,
I’ve just put my key in the ignition & you are sharpening your tongue
I’ve just reversed out of my drive & you are making snide remarks

Things are not as they may first appear,
something gets lost in the fog,
Feelings are oft misconstrued in the mire,
you need to look deeper, by God.

Happy Easter to the girl with the flaxen hair,
bless her face, her heart & her highly polished teeth.
Happy Easter to the girl with devil may care,
her over-protective parents & brother called Keith

Take a walk down my street,
see the depressed, weary faces
don't try to make eye contact
examine your new shoes and laces

Bonfire in my solar plexus, fire in my loins,
mild pulse beating in my middle-aged heart,
former rage is now cooled through family life
and I want the beat to go on

Travelling back home for Christmas,
my spirits should be high,
now once familiar sights now hurt my eyes
and fill my soul with dread

When the playtime bell rings, it's time to cease fun,
when the playtime bell rings, it's time to grow up,
when the playtime bell rings, it's time to get serious.

Loneliness is a crowded room,
do you really need to be here
perhaps you would be better off at home, alone
a tissue will absorb your private tear

Telephone rings (& is answered) ..

How do I feel?
How am I?


I smacked my child tonight, he deliberately hurt his Brother.

Do I feel vindicated or ‘right’, no I do not.


I want to make my kids laugh
I need to feel their love waft (over me)
I want them to be decent kids
I try hard to not blow my lid

Thank you for moving us to a new town,
Thank you for ripping every shred of originality from our being,
Thank you for introducing us to concrete,
Thank you for the joy of the busy high street


Be nice to those less fortunate than you,
try hard to forgive those less worthy.

You haven't had to carry the burden of guilt, hardship & shame


Buddy has a hand gun & hasn't slept for 3 days,
he has mood swings you know,
his Father stopped abusing him when he reached puberty
he has school tomorrow

hey friend, do you remember when, we pushed the rules too far & got caught out,
we were scared at first, but how we laughed at our leisure,
we cocked a snook at those in authority
remember, remember, remember


I like you but I hate you,
I need you, but I want you
I take you, but you're given
I love you, but I'm far too Northern to admit it

I saw my own reflection today, I didn't look like me,
I wanted to be more like you, the man you want me to be,
But then I took stock, and looked to the past
I want these changes to make good & last

Loneliness is a crowded room,
happiness is a loaded gun,
Fruitfulness is a passive myth
Real life, lost it's sense of fun

A poet laureate for an adolescent generation
a spokesman for teenage insecurity,
take heed of the genius before you,
take time to laugh, stifle the cry

Jason Jackson Biography

I live, I breathe, I see, I notice..)

The Best Poem Of Jason Jackson

Broken Umbrella

On the footpath lies a broken umbrella,
just imagine the number of times it's been used,
once loved, dependable, fashionable & fit,
now lies disgraced, amongst the cigarette butts and dog shit

it's fabric is now tattered, some spokes are broken,
it remembers rainy days and of gossip quietly spoken,
do we all have a limited notion of self-worth,
we first scream, breathe, then capitulate and end up cast upon dirt

Jason Jackson Comments

Jason Jackson 30 January 2010

I feel as if I almost know this guy

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