Flight of mystery
cloaked in riddle.
Reducing even experts
to drool & spittle.
Trapped in a mind;
is it mine: is it yours?
A cloud of words
when open it pours.
Look in the mirror
and cup your ear
War drums are beating
they're inching near
Nightrain's a Comin';
few packed, but all fared.
Some folks are ready,
but most of them scared.
Silver scales shining
backdrop to the moon
Saturn is scheduled
to reveal soon
Who mows your law;
puts your dishes away?
They do so out of love
not hired for pay.
Nine inches of water
no where to hide
Stalking a spook
on the incoming tide
Many strange birds
line rip rap & shore
Looking for trouble
and their next pour
We're Building a Mountain
by digging a hole.
Lining our pockets
while selling our soul.
Fire smoldering
in icy Ukraine.
Soviet's annexing Crimea;
they will not refrain.
Dancing blue flames cooled his red hot fever.
Said the prosecutor to the jury.
By days end I'll make you a believer.
Outgoing tide
flushing predator & prey.
Taking all to the mat
at the end of the day.
Kingfisher sits on
dark mangrove limb.
Wondering if his reflection
is the Fisher King or him.
From Oak Park to Ketchum
his trail of tears wide.
Masterpieces to paper
while storms raged inside.
Digital Opiates
iPhone and Android;
Galaxy too.
More addictive
than sniffing glue.
iPod, email,
texting blog
Silly monkeys
in a fog
Vine, Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram
Hook you like
Colombian bam bam.
Human race shifting
from pedigreed to mutts.
Strung out on
Digital Opiates.