My Son...
I remembered you today
in a very special way.
I wanted to hold you, and you to hold me;
The rarest of things
I wish were everywhere.
In my home
Among my family
Anyone can be a ghost
It was dark yet the red brick wall managed to throw a pale upon the shadowy and diminutive form of a man. Skirting furtively, the figure moved across the alley and stalled behind a dumpster. Momentarily...he pops up and cast his eyes upon the contents within.
He was a ghost.
There are men who help mothers become mothers.
There are mothers who help men become men.
My mother was such a mother, just a Mom who would wink at me.
A scheming smile and a wink to start the day.
The Queen and I've been friends for years.
Why, when she's troubled, I dry her tears.
When she smiles, I know to smile.
We've been friends for quite awhile.
Born from the womb a refugee, a tiny speck of flesh,
Grateful Mother had built no walls.
I wonder who is not a refugee as well, and decide we all are.
Please hold!
All prayers will be answered in the order
in the order in which they were received.
This morning to my window came
a bird with song and life.
He lighted on my window pane,
This is the poem
that was never meant to be.
I thought I'd put it on a boat
and sent it out to sea.
Soldiers march en masse at dawn.
recapture the city with forces strong.
How came it all to be this way?
Someone said something, did something
Oh King, how far different from one another,
art the things thou hast now done,
and, but a short while before.
That, now, having pronounced thyself a happy man,
hold your soulful tongue.
I'm not here to be,
your quiet timid one.
The bud has come full bloom,
and thorns and weeds make room.
The clouds are passing and laughing with joy,
the bud has come full bloom.
Oh what tragedy,
tragedy gave.
Fate playing in the street,
trying so to dodge the tram.
Outside I hear a barking dog
I look and see but cats.
There, where clouds used to be
were piles of formal hats.
Born 6th in a family of twelve that began in Missouri, living in St. Louis, Kansas City, Independence, Imperial and Lincoln. The family later moved to Chanute, Kansas where my father began a bookstore called 'Ye olde bookstore'. Running from creditors, the family moved next to Mobile, Alabama where my father's parents lived. Having moved five or six times within Mobile County, and attending as many schools(mostly Catholic) I left high school after the eleventh grade to get married and join the Navy in 1973. My son was born on April 1,1974 while I was in Pt Huneme, CA for training in the construction arts. My marriage did not manage to survive my first deployment with the Navy. As a result of the divorce, she was allowed to retain custody of my son. His loss to me was life changing in all the wrong ways. Joy of joys, I have now spoken with my son who is now a real man with a beautiful wife and even beautifuler daughter.)
Special Way
My Son...
I remembered you today
in a very special way.
I wanted to hold you, and you to hold me;
to hold the child inside me, and I in you.
To just hold me
like you used to do
when I was where you were
when you were here.
I remembered you today
in a very special way.
'There is no storm worse than the one you are in.'
I believe in a higher being, a higher place. yet I see others, otherwise bound.