Jim Yerman Poems

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Why Were Butterflies Created?

As I watched her flutter…then perch upon a flower…I found myself infatuated…and I began to wonder why on Earth…were butterflies created?

Perhaps they were created to make us all aware…there is magic in the world…and beauty everywhere.

The Moment The Flowers Danced

If you walk as the sun is rising over the mountains on paths surrounded by the trees…you're constantly surprised by nature's ever-changing beauty and her host of lively imageries.

With an acapella harmony emanating from every tree around…
you begin to notice the sunlight…how it dances to the ground.

When Generations Come Together

I love when generations of a family come together…
how they ride happily on our shoulders…when our life is full of sunshine,
full of light and warm…
and how they hoist us onto their shoulders to help us weather any storm.

An Old Couple Walking On The Beach

There was this old couple walking on the beach…an old Grandma and Grandpa…and the more they walked the more they smiled at all the wondrous things they saw.

For they realized as they walked the beach…free of borderlines and fences
How one simple walk along the beach is a treat for all the senses..


Her quest was not an easy one...to find the meaning of success
Many people told her...It's how many things you can possess...

Then, one day, she happened on a woman, as old old as she was kind...

Another Lovely Day

As the moon smiles her last smile...and the stars fade out of sight
As the screech owl and crickets sing a vanishing good night...

The sky begins to brighten, morning doves come out to play

Mh Favorite Time Of Day

There is a moment, however fleeting, when the darkness of the night
Shares its place among the heavens with the dawning of the light.

As I stand in awe...and marvel at nature's ethereal ballet

Altered Tradition

Our Christmas plans are finalized…this year we will celebrate…
our Christmas not on Christmas…but December 28.

Our family has some Christmas traditions that when we blended together we created…

A Prayer For The Children At Christmas

Today, Christmas Day, I offer a Christmas prayer…with hope it finds its way
to every person in the world…even those who don't celebrate Christmas Day.

It's a prayer for the children but written to the adults…

After Woodstock

The inspiration for today's poem…I found beneath my feet…
as I began my walk this morning…in a guitar stain on the street.

Last night we attended a concert at a friends house…where we sat off in the wings…and listened to Walter Parks serenade us…tells us stories…and coax his guitar to sing.

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