Jim Yerman Poems

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Fate And Friendship

There is no doubt Fate plays a part in our lives…from its beginning…to its end.
I'm reminded of this when I think back to a story of three friends.

Fate brought their families to the same neighborhood…where time together they would spend…each family had a daughter and the three would soon become good friends.

Voices In My Head

I was once taught it was crazy (at least that's what my Psychology professor said) for a person…any person…to hear voices in their head.

I understand the lesson my psychology professor was conveying…but I also know it all depends on what those voices might be saying.

The Art Of Parenting

I think of parenting as an art…parents are artists without constraints…whose children are blank canvases on which to apply their paint.

We remember how we also started as a blank canvas…years ago…and thus…we paint ideals and morals and values on our children…as our parents painted them on to us.

An Old Couple Walking On The Beach

There was this old couple walking on the beach…an old Grandma and Grandpa…and the more they walked the more they smiled at all the wondrous things they saw.

For they realized as they walked the beach…free of borderlines and fences
How one simple walk along the beach is a treat for all the senses..

The Moment The Flowers Danced

If you walk as the sun is rising over the mountains on paths surrounded by the trees…you're constantly surprised by nature's ever-changing beauty and her host of lively imageries.

With an acapella harmony emanating from every tree around…
you begin to notice the sunlight…how it dances to the ground.

Her Child

They didn't know each other as children…their seeds of love were later sewn…when the two of them were older…when the two them were grown.

At least that's what he thought at first…but he quickly had his doubts…for he falls in love with her child…every time she lets her child out.

Candles Of Love

Our candles of love burn softly…yet our whole world they can illuminate,
but our candles of love are fragile…they can be blown out by the winds of hate.

When our candles of love are extinguished…when they surrender their last spark,

My Choice

I imagine when we look into our hearts…when we probe the corners of our soul…we'll find moment in our life…over which we have no control.

Moments that help shape the person we daily come to be…moments left entirely in the hands of destiny.

The Meaning Of Life

If you ask any wise one…anywhere…anytime..the meaning of life…
they'll smile…then happily exclaim:
"The meaning of life is to give meaning to life."
It's amazing how all their answers start out the same.

The Things They Never Cared About

Through the years of watching our children and grandchildren grow…they never left a doubt…as to those things that were important to them…and those things they never cared about.

They never cared if we were old or bald…or short or tall or fat.
They never cared about our physical flaws…(Boy, were we glad of that!)

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