Jim Yerman

Jim Yerman Poems

I recently ran across a list Deborah and I created long ago
It contained the dreams for our perfect house...our ideal bungalow.

We called it our North Carolina Love Nest and it was to be our creed

There was once an ancient Chinese philosopher sitting under a crooked old tree
Who spoke on the subject of judging others, and how we need to think differently.

“When this tree was younger, ” he said, “it caused many people to gape

The following words are not written to disparages cats or birds or frogs
or any other animal for that matter…it's just, in my opinion…
there's something about a dog!

As parents…regular and grand we've come to understand
We live a life of schedules…where so much of it is planned.

Yet with our aging eyes we still can recognize

Death came earlier than expected...
we begged...
we pleaded...
we prayed

We live in a world that doesn’t slow down, it’s seems everyone’s in a hurry
Which causes us lots of stress, lots of anxiety, and an abundance of worry.

We worry about money, our health, our children, we worry about being late

Today allow me to reveal a universal truth.
A truth some of you, I'm sure, have already known:
Love is transcendental…
with a power and an energy all its own.

When they fell in love he felt blessed to find a person he adored.
He couldn't control his happiness…he'd never felt such love before.

He thought he loved her more than anyone could love her…

I believe in synchronicity and the wonders therein contained…
I believe in angels and miracles and the mystery of the unexplained.

Chrissy was a friend of our daughter…growing up their friendship was like glue…

It is said life is one big circle which begins with our first breath
the circle then completes itself the moment of our death

Many of us begin our circle…when but a little time has passed

There once was a writer named Lear
With the first name of Edward...I fear
He was English...I say
He wrote Limericks every day

I write love poems about sunrises, sunsets…
about the clouds the moon and the sea…
because their beauty and their magnificence constantly inspire me.

I remember being fascinated by animals when I was a child
enchanted by the things I'd hear and see…
I never understood back then…all the things they were teaching me.

I know this from experience. I heard it from my father's tongue.
Noting makes a person sound older than saying, "When I was young."

You go through life thinking, I'll never say those words, that's what old people do.

All my life I’ve heard the groans yes, since I was a little one
Because for as long as I can remember I’ve been enamored with the pun.

For instance the other day Deborah and I were out discussing bees

There was an anthropological study conducted on the children of an African tribe…
that I shall attempt as best I can…in this poem…to now describe.

A basket of fruit was placed under a tree…the children told to be fast and resolute

Our house is not the biggest house…to some it may even seem small…
but I'm amazed at the amount of memories housed within its walls.

Our home has seen many seeds of love…planted…nurtured…encourage to bloom…

Whenever my life seems out of balance…when things are difficult for me…
I remember I am loved…and rediscover life's symmetry.

Whenever the music of my life is out of tune…when I lose the melody…

In the middle of my walk this morning…as my health I try to maintain…I was greeted from the heavens…with an unexpected rain.

It's funny how it works…as the first raindrops and you collide…you immediately look around…for a safe, dry place to hide.

She loved visiting her grandma…at Grandma's everything just seemed right…
She especially loved those times she got to spend the night.

Because as she grew she began to find comfort in the wisdom of Grandma's words…

The Best Poem Of Jim Yerman

Love Nest

I recently ran across a list Deborah and I created long ago
It contained the dreams for our perfect house...our ideal bungalow.

We called it our North Carolina Love Nest and it was to be our creed
For we thought, on this paper, we listed everything we'd need.

Everything to keep us contented, our personal honeycomb
Everything our minds could think of...to make a happy home.

We were young and innocent back then...and our dreams...unlimited and grand
But despite our best intentions...life didn't go the way we planned.

You see we never built our dream house...but I still consider myself blessed
Because we realized...if we have love...it doesn't matter where we nest.

Jim Yerman Comments

blahs 21 April 2018

is he dead jdvhdfkjvnadfkllv; djbv'sdlobhl ds; cearn'bd jxak'lbpniks

3 5 Reply
Melissa Yerman 18 March 2022

Uncle Jim is a fairly good poet, but he is very selfish, inasmuch as all he does is post, post, post. He never takes the time to write encouraging comments on the poems of others, even though many people leave nice comments on his poems. Sorry, Uncle Jim, but I had to tell it like it is.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 29 October 2019

Jim Yerman is a very nice poet and he continuously writes lovely poems of excellent qualities. Readers love his poems and he motivates others through his inner high skill. I have read his many valuable poems and reviewed. His talent has high essence and he blooms like flower time to time with poetic mood. May God bring happiness for him!

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Sandra Black 31 May 2019

Absolutely loved your latest poem ''n the mirror'. It is melodious and has a sublime message. Thanks.

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Prabir Gayen 23 March 2019

Very talented poet with sweet voice... thanks..

4 0 Reply
Khushi 26 November 2018


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