Jim Yerman Poems

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Goodbye Rose

Yesterday we celebrated the life of a Rose…she lived to be 94.
We delighted in her life as we mourned the fact she's not with us anymore.

What struck us immediately were the photos of Rose as a child,

I've Seen Children Walking

I've seen children…young boys…walking arm in arm
their faces in identical grins
I've seen them laughing….playing, hugging
without questioning the different colors of their skin…

52 Words

52 words written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 were meant to be a guiding light to make America great.

It began with certain concepts on the kind of country we should be.
With a hope these words would be self-evident throughout our history.

The Parental Kite

Parenting is like flying a kite…you do an awful lot of running around
using every breath you have to get your children up off the ground.

And you never feel prouder…remember how you grinned

Our Only Child

We've shown contempt for our Mother Earth…
We throw garbage on her beach.
Into her air
and land

Between The Blinks Revisited

I am often amazed how quickly time flies by.
How so much seems to happen in the mere blink of an eye.

For there was a time, not that long ago

When The Lights Went Out

It's funny how someone can light up your life as they brighten your morning too.
It's even funnier when it's someone you never met…someone you never knew.

I never new this little old man…never knew his name

The House Across The Street

There is a house across the street…
from now on I'll refer to it as she…
she's a house our family's loved..because we share a history.


Everyone we meet whether a cause of joy or sorrow or strife
writes another chapter into our book of life.

I met Phil and Lee when they were in their eighties.

Dancing On His Own

They grew up dancing at a time when people danced arm in arm
when dancing had a mystique
when people held hands, twirled together
and loved dancing cheek to cheek.

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