Jim Yerman Poems

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Be Brave

She received a lot of advice after her Grandpa died
It seemed to come in waves…
They said Grandpa was in a better place…They told her to be brave.

The Other Side Of Mother's Day

Yesterday we celebrated mothers with a Facebook shout out or a tweet
we called them, gave them gifts…perhaps we took them out to eat.

And it is wonderful to honor the person who first sent us on our way

Whenyou Hold Hands With A Child

When you hold the hand of a child…you cannot help but smile
two hands joined that once were two apart
There's something innocent and pure once they put their hand in yours
you feel it all the way down to your heart.

Everyday Miracles

He was brought up to think miracles were uncommon…in his parents' eyes anyway
highly improbable, extraordinary events…something you don't see every day…

He never thought much about it…those seeds his parents had sown

Hello, My Darling

It's funny what we remember about people…
the little things that stick inside our head…
today I am remembering
something she always said.

A Walk By The Lake

We love to walk in the morning…we know our walk is not complete
unless we walk the way the native Americans did…
as if we're kissing the Earth with our feet.

In A Circle Of Pines

We followed the path to the top of a hill
not knowing what we might find
What we discovered was a lone headstone
surrounded by a circle of pines.

Innocence Lost

We adults tend to lose ours innocence as the years unfold…
which is why the innocence of our children is a beauty we behold.

Children sing before they realize there even is a song.

A Specific Kind Of Loneliness

There is a specific kind of loneliness when you lose someone you love
It is difficult to explain…
For some it's like a hole in their heart…
For others…a permanent stain.

The Simplest Gesture

The new girl entered the classroom…
and though the students were informed
They could not help but stare at her…
her features were deformed.

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