Jim Yerman Poems

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A Love Song

He wrote her a host of love songs…sweet words he would employ
that showed her what was in his heart…that filled her heart with joy.

He loved to make his words dance… he loved to make her see

What Can We Say

What can we say to someone with cancer?
How can we brighten their day?
As they're beginning their frightening journey what in the world can we say?

My Advice

As I've watch people give and take advice here is something I've perceived…
Advice needs to be sincere when it is given and humble when it's received.

I believe advice should cascade from ones lips like a snowfall to the young

Whispers Of The Heart

Unrehearsed Moments

The young man noticed the older couple walking toward him at a slow and labored pace
The older man clinging to the older woman…his arm around her waist.

They stopped along the water's edge…he gave her an embrace.

Their Secret

He was about to become a father…yes, a child he would beget!
So he browsed through countless bookstores…and he surfed the internet.

He was searching for a book on parenting…because he didn't have a clue…

So Do I

On their 50th anniversary I was curious
so I asked them, what sparked their love and why…

"When I looked at her I saw my future." Grandpa said…

Mirrored In Our Soul

When it is dark upon the ocean
and the water misbehaves…
once the torrent settles
we might find

She Died

She died…our friend…it's been three years now…
and we still wonder why.
Why was she chosen?
Why her?

Two Photos

Two photos of two people…taken as World War II began
The woman…was quite beautiful…and handsome was the man.

Two people I would come to know…two photos my brother had…

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