Jim Yerman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Flower Of Friendship

I pass this lovely bougainvillea every day and am happily aware
how a bush this bright and beautiful can exist with oh so little care.

It is a fact of nature…one we can't dispute

His Heart

He can't explain it logically
but once he found her…
the person he adored
his heart felt like it grew…

How Old Am I

We were celebrating our granddaughters birthday
with games and cake and cheer
when she tapped me on the shoulder and asked,
PopPop, how old are you this year?

Why It's So Important

When we are young…just starting out…as little girls and boys
Why is it important for us to feel happiness and joy?

Why is it important at least one time every day

Misty Rain

On our walk the morning as we made the turn
down a tree filled lane
we were greeted in the silence by a tender…misty rain.

Hope And The Birds

There is a reason I love to walk as the ebony night turns to grey
a reason I love to witness the birth of another day.

I have always had this feeling as each new day's begun

Goodbye Rose

Yesterday we celebrated the life of a Rose…she lived to be 94.
We delighted in her life as we mourned the fact she's not with us anymore.

What struck us immediately were the photos of Rose as a child,



Walking by an empty stadium I was reminded the other day
of when we took our children to the ball park to watch grown men at play.

The Things We Can Control

So many things in life are out of our control
We don't control the sun, the moon, , the stars, the wind…the rain
We don't control those moments when our heart fills up with pain.

A Little Longer

Today we close our eyes,
we stand,
we sit
we get down on bended knee

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