Jim Yerman Poems

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Everyone we meet whether a cause of joy or sorrow or strife
writes another chapter into our book of life.

I met Phil and Lee when they were in their eighties.

Thankful For Chinese Proverb On Generosity

Today I am thankful that I was blessed to see
this ancient Chinese proverb…on generosity

And this is how it goes:

Olympic Park Day 5

We woke up early to a 50 degrees morning….six o'clock to be specific
In order to make the 70 mile trip to Rialto Beach on the coast of the Pacific.

It was a two hour circuitous trip …since we had to be there by nine

Right Before Our Eyes

We were cleaning out a closet
when we found an old bin filled with photos we've amassed.
Hundreds and hundreds of photos capturing moments…
evoking memories from our past.

The History We Are Writing


The history of America…if America it going to last
must be told in chapters that include true stories of our past.

Another Romance Language

I love the French and Italian languages…how their words seem to float on the air
and dance…that's why they are often referred to as languages of romance.

I don't have to understand the meaning…but listening to them over the years…

Thankful For Those Who Read To Chidlren

Today I'm thankful for all those who read to children…
It's one of the best things, for them, we can do….
I'm thankful for the parents…
for the teachers who read…

Don't Lose Faith

May we be blessed not to lose faith
when a dream we dreamed goes bad…


Thankful For Valentines Day

Today I'm thankful for Valentines day…
and I agree with Charles Schultz who had the wisdom to assert:
all we need is love on Valentine's day…
but a little chocolate doesn't hurt.

One Oak Leaf

I watched an oak leaf fall today…watched it leap off the tree without making a sound…
I watched it float and spin and flutter…until it landed on the ground.

I ran to where that oak leaf landed…where I was relieved…

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