Jim Yerman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Heaven On Earth

Have you ever experienced Heaven on Earth, I imagine everyone has
It could be a walk on the beach, a beautiful sunset, or perhaps a little jazz.

The point is Heaven on Earth is individual, it’s different for you and me

Progress: The Phone

I find myself every now and then thinking of simpler times I’ve known
And I have to ask does anyone remember when a phone was just a phone?

Growing up we had one phone...one phone and that was all!

Good Bye Shirley!

Her name was Shirley Temple, in the 1930’s she burst upon the scene
She was young and cute and sweet as punch and she lit up the movie screen.

My generation remembers watching her movies when we were girls and boys

Where Does Beauty Come From?

How does one know what is beautiful? What sets our senses aglow?
Take women of the world for instance the ideal beauty depends on where you go.

The Optimist

I consider myself lucky to be afflicted with optimism for after all is said and done
You have to concede that optimism makes life a whole lot more fun.

I believe I was born an optimist, it circulates through my blood

Waving From The Stands

I watched Ava play baseball last night and was immediately carried away
To another baseball field...another team...another time....another day.

I was playing right field then. There I stood with glove in hand

The Man Who Makes The Cranes

I find I quote Mother Teresa a lot, I do so respectfully.
I admire her giving nature and her spirituality.

In November I wrote a poem about origami cranes as a way to inform and entertain

The Old House On The Corner Lot

Deborah and I take a walk in the morning, sharing memories and dreams along the way
We have found in our lifetime together it’s a great way to start a new day.

We’ve been walking together for years...we’ve seen the neighborhood ebb and flow.

The Butterfly

Today is ‘Learn About Butterflies Day’ an insect we’d all love to hug
So I offer up this little limerick in honor of that beautiful bug.
I know it’s 3-14 and I should turn my attention to that mathematical constant Pi
But I choose instead to focus on the unpredictable butterfly:

If At First You Don'T Succeed...

Today I offer this little quiz, for your amusement and edification
You may hold until the end you’re thanks and appreciation.

1. His first two automobile companies went bankrupt but he never lost his way

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