Joann Carrano Passmore

Joann Carrano Passmore Poems

I will hold you close to my heart
Knowing one day we will part
So let me love you while I am around
Don’t wait until I go underground

My grandbabies I miss with all of my heart
For reasons unknown to me we are kept apart
I use to get to see them for a while
And I would sit and watch them smile

Jesus you are our Holy Savior
And we should not be asking for a favor
We know that you will there for us
God is watching and waiting without any fuss

Christmas means a lot to me
Because you have made it special you see
You give me your love from deep within
Even though your patience I wear thin

You blame me for things that aren’t my fault
And this dear will have to come to a halt
We see things differently this is true
But sometimes I don’t know what to do

Love will flourish as a couple grows
And love is greater than anyone knows
It can mend a broken heart
Especially when a couple is torn apart

You carried me for nine months until I was born
But something terrible happen, something went wrong
I was called back to heaven from where I came
It was not your fault there was no one to blame

I drink and snort from dusk till dawn
And I wonder what really went wrong
I do not really understand the reasons why
But for days, weeks and months all I do is hurt and cry

On wings of an angel you can fly
Floating gently across the sky
Going through clouds of pure snow
Angels showing us what God wants us to know

Life is really a gift from God up above
It is a labor of his enormous love
A love that is never ending
It is a love that is forever bending

We look for a sunny brighter day
So we may handle things that come our way
Learning how to deal and cope
So we may always learn to have hope

You told me you would wait on the other side
But my love the path is so very wide
My time to leave has not yet come
For I have some work yet to be done

One day I look forward to eternal life
And at my side will be my beloved wife
To have and to hold forever I pray
To love and to cherish for all of my days

Looking into your eyes I can see
That you are not where you want to be
I know that you love me with all of your heart
It was something I knew from the very start

I see your pain from deep inside
But it is by God’s rules we must abide
I see the tears flowing from your face
Afraid you will disappear without a trace

If I died today, I would leave my husband
Upon my death he would be saddened
I loved him with all of my heart
And we will miss each other while we are apart

If tomorrow never comes will there be someone who will cry for me.
Or put me to rest for all eternity and finally set me free.
Will they remember the love and warmth I gave from my heart?
Or talk about me and pull my memories and life completely apart.

A couple whose love entwines
Each sharing their special signs
A golden band upon their left hand
Showing all they are in command

Angels shed tears from up above
It is a sign of them showing their love
With each tear dropp that will fall
It is a sign of a heavenly call

Ever lasting is my love
Even though I may need a shove
A shove to push me in the right direction
And be able to show my affection

Joann Carrano Passmore Biography

I was born and raised in Kingston, NY and Easton, Pa. My family moved to Thomasville, Ga when I was 14 year old, and I have spent most of my adult life here in Thomasville. The only school I when to was Central High School we doesn't exist anymore. They bulit a new school and named it Thomas County Central High School. I attend Thomas Technical School and graduated and passed boards for my Practical Nursing License. I have been married twice,1st husband passed away from complications from a stroke. My father also passed away while I was at Darton College in Albany, Ga. I graduated from Darton College in 1992, took my state boards and passed. I have an Associate Degree in Nursing. I had 2 children by my first husband, one daughter and one son which I love them both even though they are both different. I am raising my daughter's old child for the last 15 years, whoever said raising kids was easy doesn't know what they are talking about. I would never want to be a child growing up in this world today. I am Catholic,16years after my first husband's death I married again. George is a good man and I love him very much.)

The Best Poem Of Joann Carrano Passmore

I Will Hold You Close To My Heart

I will hold you close to my heart
Knowing one day we will part
So let me love you while I am around
Don’t wait until I go underground

Take me into your loving arms
Because I know of your charms
Show me how much you really care
There isn’t anything that I cannot bare

Seeing your smiles warm me so
Making my heart really glow
It makes me feel all fuzzy inside
Especially when you lay by my side

Kissing you throughout the night
Especially when you hold me so tight
Just feeling your tender touch
Makes me love you so very much

Time is going by so fast
I want our love to really last
I feel your love most all the time
And I am glad you are mine

So my love forever we will be the same
If one of us passes, there is no one to blame
We will meet again on the other side
For God’s laws we must abide

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