John F. McCullagh Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Anchor Baby

At the Empire's fringe
A woman and man
Traveled by night
over oceans of sand.

Kobayashi Maru

My gleaming white constellation class Starship
(My dirty white Chrysler K car)
was out on patrol near the neutral zone
(I was driving back home from the bar)

Anchor Baby (En Espanol)

Al margen del Imperio
Una mujer y un hombre
Recorrido por la noche
sobre los océanos de arena.

Yellow Brick Road

When Dorothy trod the paths of Oz
Her companions were deficient:
One lacked Courage,
One lacked brains,

There's A Pill For That

The learned Dons of Oxford
Have invented and refined
An efficacious compound;
Love Potion number nine.

Comes A Horseman...

Short is our tenure
on this beautiful Earth.
As brief as the grass
In winter's cold breath.

Michael Furey

That night was cold,
The wind was biting.
All over Ireland
the snow was falling

Happy Mother's Day

Pressure intense
around my head
and shoulders.
I am pushed

Wrong Island

I love the Macadamia nut
dipped in dark chocolate for me.
I enjoy a good cup of Kona
from those islands across the sea.

The Door To Yesterday

I walked this campus in my youth,
forty years ago today.
The air is sweet from recent rain
here on the quad lawn where we played.

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