John Thorkild Ellison Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Jimi Hendrix (Altered Poem)

Jimi Hendrix was a figure
In Sixties rock.
He seemed so full of life and vigour
His early death was a tragedy

Unacceptable Behaviour

Words you said
Made something snap inside my head.
Later I hunted you down
And found you in the market place.

A Poisoned Chalice (A Sonnet)

Please don't pretend to apologise!
Wipe those crocodile tears from your eyes!
You spread your legs for those other guys
And I'm just the one that you despise!

Be A Good Girl Tonight! (Advice To A Geordie Lass)

Now listen, young miss, when you go out tonight
Be a good girl and don't give us a fright -
If a lad wants to kiss you then cross your legs tight,
Remember your parents, be a good girl tonight!

Drunken Messiah

When Jesus had a hangover
They cancelled Mass that morning;
He'd been out with Magdelan on the booze
Ignoring His Mother's warning.

A Song Of Encouragement For The New Year

Think of all the fun you had
When you were just a little lad!
Doesn't it seem a wee bit sad
That everything has turned out bad?

An Alcoholic's Dilemma

They said just relax and have a few drinks,
Who cares anyway what your doctor thinks!
And they carried on with their meaningless chatter
As if nothing on earth could possibly matter,

A Short One For Brubeck

Take Five
Time Out
To listen

Feeling Inferior

They'd like to make you feel real bad
About the little fun you've had -
In fact it makes them really glad
To see you all hung-up and sad.

A Difficult Moment In The Life Of Colonel Frobisher

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