John W. McEwers Poems

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Children's Poems By John W Mcewers: Da Gibbawaba Gita

Da Gibbawaba Gita gotta goody goody girl.
Da Gibbawaba Gita gotta git da girl a gift.
Da Gibbawaba Gita gunna git da girl a goat.
Da Gibbawaba Gita gunna git it from a thrift.

There Once Was A Man From Nantucket

Haiku You Too! ! ! !

The Day I Met Maya Angelou

Her inner beauty found its way to me before I ever found my way to her.
I was sitting on my couch, upset with my life, wondering how I ever fell so far.
The TV was on in the corner of the room for days and days and the cable bill wasn't getting paid.
And the WB was on.

Trumpets At The Gates Of Best Buy

The armies of childmen
will clash as foretold
by the black friday ad.
will crash against the gates

John Does Not Revise.

The Literal Metaphor That Is Now Robert

Worms crawl where hair once flowed in a mane that Black Stallion would kill Secretariat to have along his back.
Maggots eat out the remaining globs of decay from the brain that once would have made Carl Sagan beat up Neil Degrasse Tyson for the chance to pick.
A coffin creaks beneath the weight of the earth that once shook with his every step, surrounding the bones once surrounded by a soul not even Otis Redding could hope to match.
The hands of Michelangelo and the feet of Fred Astaire.

Frog Fire 2: The Final Friday

Graffiti can be washed
with a pressure hose.
But how does one pressure wash a mind?
How does one spray away the smell?

Just A Pinch Of Green

Well shiver me timbers
me laddies and me lassies
y'all have a fine shine in me eyes
when me beers turn the color o' me money.

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