Yonah Jeong

Yonah Jeong Poems

I was drunk alcohol
I lost many things

I was drunk on gambling


Strength comes from meekness, meekness is the fruit of strength.

No matter how much you give
if there is no mercy heart in it
in vain!

the sugar water
Sugar is not visible

Love is like water

made from crushed
comforting color,


without hills, no being can shine.

It's too hot
windows up and
I look at the red brick wall next door

too many
not be throw away

too little

I always suspected
Would he value me?
Even in his devotion
I doubted alone

You can kill Memorabilia that will be made
you can't end Reminiscences from being made.

Yonah Jeong Biography

https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=5-ZRuMO0IT4 https: //www.amazon.com/Islands-Are-Not-Lonely/dp/1638294798/ref=sr_1_1? crid=K666JBE7LCOF&keywords=yonah+jeong&qid=1688934156&sprefix=%2Caps%2C69&sr=8-1)

The Best Poem Of Yonah Jeong

With Love All

I was drunk alcohol
I lost many things

I was drunk on gambling
I lost more many things

I was drunk on hate
I lost everything.

and I drunk with love
I regained all.

Yonah Jeong Comments

Yonah Jeong Quotes

philosong 8 following the turtle: meet the finish line.

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