And so it has arrived -- the fatal instant,
the dismal injunction of my cruel fate;
so it has come at last -- the moment, the date,
Farewell, my adored Land, region of the sun caressed,
Pearl of the Orient Sea, our Eden lost,
Warm and beautiful like a houri of yore,
as gracious and as pure as the break of dawn
when darling clouds take on a sapphire tone,
Hold high the brow serene,
O youth, where now you stand;
Let the bright sheen
Of your grace be seen,
Beside a spacious beach of fine and delicate sand
and at the foot of a mountain greener than a leaf,
Wise education, vital breath
Inspires an enchanting virtue;
She puts the Country in the lofty seat
Why falls so rich a spray
of fragrance from the bowers
of the balmy flowers
Land I adore, farewell! thou land of the southern sun's choosing!
Pearl of the Orient seas! our forfeited Garden of Eden!
To my Creator I sing
Who did soothe me in my great loss;
To the Merciful and Kind
Who in my troubles gave me repose.
Dry leaf that flies at random
till it's seized by a wind from above:
so lives on earth the wanderer,