Joseph Lee 2

Joseph Lee 2 Poems

It was as dark as night
I had woken up at midnight
It was strange night
Chirp chirp chirp, the birds are chirping at night

The Best Poem Of Joseph Lee 2

Forever Dark

It was as dark as night
I had woken up at midnight
It was strange night
Chirp chirp chirp, the birds are chirping at night

What if it wasn't night? I thought
No what if it was morning and I couldn't tell
I slept again thinking I would just wake up in the morning
I woke up but it was still pitch black. I was blind

What will I do?
I had always wanted to be an artist
I had always wanted to drive a car
What am I going to do, my future is screwed up

I dream about being able to see my mother who died when I was born
Then I wake up feeling as bad as I have ever been
What will I do?
Now I'm just sitting here telling someone whom I can't see what to write

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