Jozef Behr

Jozef Behr Poems

I may not reach the heights I seek,
My untried strength may fail me;
Or, half-way up the mountain peak
Fierce tempests may assail me.

It is not so much WHERE you live,
As HOW, and WHY, and WHEN you live,
That answers in the affirmative,
Or maybe in the negative,

You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.

When you come to me, unbidden,
Beckoning me
To long-ago rooms,
Where memories lie.

If there is a future there is time for mending-
Time to see your troubles coming to an ending.

Life is never hopeless however great your sorrow-

In spite of war, in spite of death,
In spite of all man's sufferings,
Something within me laughs and sings
And I must praise with all my breath.

As a small child I fancied to sail
By ocean to a land of fairy tales,
Camp in a field with Little Red Riding Hood.
Dazzling stars would fire at the Big Bad Wolf.

After everything is said and done
Bad dreams and nightmares
Chased away by the coming dawn
Demons stashed into nightstand drawers

Underneath our feet we find
Those branches and thorns a grind.
Why is so life so mean
It is as if no other scene.

Jozef Behr Biography

Hello my Name is Jozef Behr from Zimbabwe. In 2015 I graduated from the mining sector. I also worked as a full-time production manager at a reputable company, but I currently work as a blogger as well as poet.)

The Best Poem Of Jozef Behr

Jozef Behr: I Will Be Worthy Of It

I may not reach the heights I seek,
My untried strength may fail me;
Or, half-way up the mountain peak
Fierce tempests may assail me.
But though that place I never gain,
Herein lies comfort for my pain —
I will be worthy of it.

I may not triumph in success,
Despite my earnest labour;
I may not grasp results that bless
The efforts of my neighbour.
But though my goal I never see,
This thought shall always dwell with me—
I will be worthy of it.

The golden glory of Love's light
May never fall on my way;
My path may always lead through night,
Like some deserted byway.
But though life's dearest joy I miss
There lies a nameless strength in this —
I will be worthy of it.

Jozef Behr Comments

Part 3. " And to the world your highest give, " is the highest loftiest exhortation. And what what you is what you get.

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Part 2. It reflects the Indian philosophy of "Lokassamasto Sukhino Bhavantu" (May every being in the entire universe enjoy the comforts of life and be happy) , which is enshrined in the Vedas, Upanishads and Puranams. Great poem. Enjoyed reading. Look forward to read more of your valuable works.

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I happened to read your poem "How, when, where" today, on PoemHunter. The poem is profound in its ideology and the philosophy it's puts forth. Loved the inimitable presentation style.

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Jozef Behr Quotes

If you are present in body but absent in spirit, there can be no experience. Experience means being present and it means owning awareness.

The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.

Opportunities don't happen, you create them

Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.

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