Julia Fehrenbacher

Julia Fehrenbacher Poems

This is what silence said to me today:

Trust what you can't see. Move forward
despite the wobbly groundlessness

will not water down
words so you
can be more comfortable. She will not

to take the detour, the
wandering way. To stand 

a little longer

Go gently today, don't hurry
or think about the next thing. Walk
with the quiet trees, can you believe
how brave they are—how kind? Model your life

Let me breathe only grace today, only
that which slows, steadies,
softens, sparks

Let's forget the world for a while
fall back and back
into the hush and holy
of now

The Best Poem Of Julia Fehrenbacher

What Silence Said

This is what silence said to me today:

Trust what you can't see. Move forward
despite the wobbly groundlessness
of I don't know.  Breathe, love, create, show up
as you are, everyday—no matter what. Go
to where wild irises grow. Say thank you
for all of it—weeds
cracks, sunbeams, that hand on your shoulder—
the forever throb of ache

it's all 
a doorway—a hand leading you back
to grace.

Julia Fehrenbacher Comments

Inge King 14 April 2022

I look forward to and very much enjoy your weekly poetry display.

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Donna Yancey 26 April 2019

beautiful poetry! Is she published? I cannot finding poetry books.

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Donna Yancey 26 April 2019

beautiful poetry.Is she published. I cannot finding poetry books.

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