Julie Lucas

Julie Lucas Poems

Early dawn awakens a new dance
Undulating magnetic forces
Alluring us closer
Auras as the breeze


My mind says run, run, run
My heart says go, go, go
My wants say yes
My conscience says no

Inside there wages a war
An ultimate winner and loser
Fighting for fear,
Fighting for faith,

The Best Poem Of Julie Lucas

The Season

Early dawn awakens a new dance
Undulating magnetic forces
Alluring us closer
Auras as the breeze

The leaves whisper secrets
Precarious winds play the trees
Raindrops patter carelessly
Perfect and sweet the sound

The moon sees our stories
Shimmering unfocus
Glittery spotlights dot the sky
A waltz of visual flattery

Harmonics of the night
Evaporate as dreams fade to tea
Wait for golden timing worn
T'will be the pinnacle of reason

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