Jyoti Sunit Chaudhary

Jyoti Sunit Chaudhary Poems

Beautiful iris flower,
Some petals folded down,

Lights of the thousands of stars
Don't seem enough for such a night
You miss the moon badly
Who can make the night bright.

The golden coat in the sky
Turned the rest so dark,
When reflected in the water
The lake was ignited with sparks.

The sky is scattered and fallen down,
The earth is no more brown,
Winter has bidden good bye to the fall.
Snow flakes have woven the white gown.

The birds in the sky
Inspire you to take a flight.
Drive off all heavy memories
And make your heart light.

The exquisite sight!

Burning sky above the sea,

After a lazy and dull
Season of winter,
Coming of the Spring
Causes a pleasant change

Charming appearance
Optimistic sense

Never tiring

When sunset sets fire

Celestial ice pieces

I would be standing alone with a plea
Like a frail structure in solitude,
If had not you helped me so nicely.
My heart is filled with humble gratitude.

Rains made the nature so clean,
Shadow of clouds made it more green.
The layers of clouds darken the sky.
Sun-rays are restrained to pass by.

Hardest earth

At edge of the sea


Brewed hot to be sipped

The Best Poem Of Jyoti Sunit Chaudhary

Haiku: Mountains (Haiku)

Heights of tall mountains
Within the rifts and valleys
Seem to be enhanced

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