kallol shome

kallol shome Poems

How can you surprise me, if you say
You must go, now or sometime-
For I know certainty lies in the space
That keeps chanting the hollow phrase

Of Ravages

How did I not notice…
The ravages they left on you

The Best Poem Of kallol shome

When You Say Certainty

How can you surprise me, if you say
You must go, now or sometime-
For I know certainty lies in the space
That keeps chanting the hollow phrase
That we bind us in love
And in freedom we bleed,
Freedom -the anxiety to bleed…a dun-colored virtue we say,
Till we grow pale in it like the crackled page
Rumbling in the guts of our dark nights and day;
Torment is nothing compared to what we offer torment-for its place in history;
Our inconceivable freedom to suffer; tears-spoils of victory...
Lining dear earth like the trail of a wounded beast fleeing to
Blood painted crimson-vain, limitlessly vain,
Where all our rainbows begin...

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